In addition to web hosting, block storage, and other options, DigitalOcean also provides three different managed database plans. These databases are not hosting accounts. To make use of them, you will need to have a hosting plan. If you are in need of a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Redis database, these optional addons are perfect. Our DigitalOcean managed databases review looks at what each has to offer and why you might need it.
- Easily scalable.
- Servers back up your data daily.
- DigitalOcean configures and manages your servers.
- Solid state drives provide reliable and fast data retrieval.
- Backup servers take over if the main server goes down, so your data is always available.
- You must purchase a hosting plan to use these databases.
- There is an additional cost for adding managed databases to your cloud.
- You can easily go over your monthly budget if you’re not careful.
DigitalOcean Managed Databases Review & Analysis
By offering three database options, DigitalOcean ensures that they have what you need. They provide many of the same great features, such as daily backups and scalability, with every plan. To determine which one is right for you, you’ll need to look at how MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Redis differ. You can’t go wrong with what DigitalOcean offers, though.
Who This Hosting Plan is For
- Websites with a large amount of data.
- Sites that will include user profiles or allow users to add data.
- eCommerce sites.
- Individuals who aren’t familiar with maintaining or configuring databases, but still need one for their hosting
Who This Hosting Plan is Not For
- Experts who want full control over their databases.
- Simple websites that aren’t content-heavy.
- Anyone on a very limited budget.
Bottom Line
You may not need a cloud database attached to your web hosting. If you do, having three options is very beneficial. Many hosting companies such as Cloudways cloud hosting don’t offer as many options. Most only provide MySQL databases. By learning more about DigitalOcean’s three database options, you can determine which one best fits your needs.
DigitalOcean Managed Databases Hosting Features
- Worry-free setup & maintenance
- Highly scalable
- Free daily backups
- Automated failover
- Fast, reliable performance
- End-to-end security
Start Your Engines
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
Other Features
- World-class support & services
- Simple, predictable pricing
- Detailed documentation
DigitalOcean Managed Database Hosting Prices
The Different Cloud Database Options
If you’re not familiar with website databases, you likely don’t know the differences between MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Redis. You may not even know if you need a database for your website. There are many different reasons why you may need a database. Most often, though, it comes down to one factor: storage. If your website is going to contain a large amount of data, you’re going to need a database to store it all and organize it. Databases can be searched for information and return specific data. Without one, a user would have to sift through everything on your website to find what they need.
Now that you know why you need a database, let’s look at each option to see which is right for you. Note that much of what a database does is behind the scenes. You won’t really see a difference on the user end. This is true of all three options. The end user won’t see anything different, but each database has significant differences.
MySQL is one of the most popular databases. Many hosting companies only offer MySQL databases. Companies such as Facebook and Twitter use MySQL because of its security. This also makes it ideal for eCommerce websites. MySQL can also be quickly scaled as needed. It’s easy to use, has high uptime, and is also very affordable. While your database will be fully managed, you can begin to learn how MySQL works. It’s fairly easy to pick up, so you may be able to look at unmanaged solutions later if you need to.
PostgreSQL is also an open source database engine. However, it differs from MySQL in a few ways. First, it stores data using an object-relational model over MySQL’s relational one. This may not mean much to you, but it does make the database more flexible. It’s possible to create data structures that are more complex than what MySQL offers. PostgreSQL also supports many different data types and even has a unique way of storing network addresses. The database also comes with many pre-defined data types, which can be useful.
The third open source database type DigitalOcean offers is Redis. Redis, however, is technically not a database. Its developers call it an “in-memory data structure store” that can be used like a database and a memory cache. Redis supports many common data types and is very fast. A number of major online websites, including Craigslist, Pinterest, and Snapchat, are powered by Redis. For developers, Redis is easy to use and is supported by many programming languages.
Do You Need Database Management Support?
DigitalOcean does all of your database management for you. This is very helpful if you’re not comfortable configuring your own database. Their team also handles all of the maintenance and updating needed. For many people, even those familiar with database management software, it’s simply easier to let them handle it all. It’s one less thing you have to do.
With an unmanaged database, you can customize it more to your needs. This is sometimes very important. Most of the time, though, it’s not an issue. Unmanaged database hosting is cheaper, of course, but you’re doing more work. If you need more features, tools, or settings that a managed database doesn’t provide, you may have to use an unmanaged host. If you don’t, though, a managed option is likely the best way to go.
Is DigitalOcean the Right Option for You?There are some benefits to DigitalOcean’s cloud hosting. Their servers, which they call Droplets, are very easy to use. You can add additional Droplets at any time, and you can connect them to your database. While you do need to have more experience with hosting to use their plans, they are ideal for some situations. For basic webhosting, you’re better off with something such as Hostinger startup cloud hosting. If you need multiple servers that are incredibly fast and offer a large amount of processing power, though, DigitalOcean has you covered.
Review DigitalOcean Managed Cloud Database Review.